Clear Skin with Laser Vein Removal
Unsightly veins on your legs and face can be a thing of the past. Bradford Laser Centre offers an advanced laser vein removal system that swiftly and effectively addresses this concern. Our state-of-the-art Candela® GentleYAG® ND-YAG (1064nm) laser is designed to coagulate and eliminate large, deep blood vessels and leg veins without resorting to harsh chemicals or painful needles.
Advanced Technology
The  Candela® GentleYAG® laser employs a patented DCD technology that safeguards the upper layers of your skin by delivering a soothing burst of cryogen. This ensures optimal results with minimal side effects. The focused energy beam targets the blood's pigment, coagulating it without affecting the natural surface of your skin. This action causes the blood vessel to collapse and seal, leading to a gradual reduction of the veins over a few weeks.
Maintenance for Lasting Results
While laser vein removal can dramatically improve the appearance of affected areas, it's important to note that depending on your lifestyle, nuisance spider veins may reappear. This is why we highly recommend maintenance treatments. By staying on top of these treatments, you can prevent both recurring and new spider veins from developing.
Remarkable Results in Just One Visit
You'll be amazed by the results achievable with laser vein removal, often in just one visit! Bradford Laser Centre has been a trusted provider of laser vein removal services since 2008. Located centrally, we serve clients in a wide range of areas. For a detailed consultation on laser vein removal, contact Bradford Laser Centre.
How It Works
Contact Bradford Laser Centre today to learn more about the effective laser removal of unsightly veins and to schedule your no-obligation consultation. Call now and take the first step toward clear, beautiful skin.